STRAND 1(HF): Health Foundations and Protective Factors of a Healthy Self
CLASS GOAL: Students will understand the responsibility and outcomes of personal decisions. Students will also apply their knowledge to develop social and emotional competence to make healthy and safe choices.
DAY 1: SMART Goals, Self Image, and Selflessness (Botvin, Pages 10-15)
DAY 2: Effective Decision-Making Strategies, and Taking Responsibility For One's Own Actions (Botvin, Pages 16-21)
DAY 3: Social Skills, Resiliency, and Growth Mindset (Botvin, Pages 70-77)
Day 4: Assertiveness, Personal Boundaries, and Resolving Conflicts (Botvin, Pages 78-84)
Day 5: Review and Quiz
Evidence of Learning Assignment: SMART GOALS WORKSHEET :
EXTRA (to receive a 4 grade): Become an expert on Resiliency. Do some research on the life of a person and fill out the worksheet. Some choices may include: Wilma Rudolph, Jessie Owens, Jackie Robinson, Jim Abbott, Gertrude Ederle, or Roger Bannister. Turn in the worksheet or email it to Coach Jenson. Due date is 1 week after the final test for strand 1.
STRAND 2(MEH): Mental and Emotional Health
CLASS GOAL: Students will develop a foundation of knowledge related to reducing risk factors and enhancing factors that promote positive mental and emotional health.
DAY 1: Health and Wellness Pyramid, Mental Health Disorders and Treatment (Take notes in the Botvin Front Cover)
DAY 2: Self-Harming Behaviors and Suicide Prevention (School Counselors)
DAY 3: Stress Management Techniques (Botvin Pages 56-62)
DAY 4: Review and Test
Evidence of Learning Assignment: Personal Wellness Plan (Schoology)
EXTRA (to receive a 4 grade): Become an expert on Suicide Prevention. Use the website: to fill out the worksheet on Schoology. This is due on the day the class is taking the test.
STRAND 3 (SDP): Safety and Disease Prevention
CLASS GOAL: Students will apply practical knowledge and skills to develop lifelong behaviors for personal and community well-being.
DAY 1: CPR Training (Botvin, Page 86)
DAY 2: First Aid, AED Training (Botvin, Page 86)
DAY 3: Thoughtful Decision Making in Health Related Situations and the Media (Botvin, Page 87)
DAY 4: Healthy Online Relationships and the Harmful Effects of Pornography (Botvin, Page 87)
DAY 5: Review and Test
Evidence of Learning Assignment: Become CPR/ First Aid Certified through class or by taking the free online course that can be found at
EXTRA (to receive a 4 grade): Become an expert on the effects of media and technology on mental, emotional, physical, and social health and fill out the worksheet on Schoology. Some resources may include:
This is due the day the class takes the test on Health Strand 3.
STRAND 4 (SAP): Substance Abuse Prevention
CLASS GOAL: Students will learn how substances affect the developing brain, practice ways to resist peer pressure, and examine consequences of substance use.
DAY 1: Protective Factors for making healthy decisions about substance use. (Botvin Pages 28-32)
DAY 2: Media and Marketing Tactics (Botvin Pages 47-55)
DAY 3: Addiction and the Developing Teenage Brain (Botvin Pages 42-44)
DAY 4: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, Legal, and Financial Impacts of Substance Abuse (Botvin Pages 36-40)
DAY 5: Community Resources Available to Support Those Impacted by Substance Abuse and Addiction (Page 45)
DAY 6: Review and Test:
Evidence of Learning Assignment: Sections one and two of the clearing the vapor program
EXTRA (to receive a 4 grade): Complete All Sections of the Clearing the Vapor Program
This is due the day the class takes the test on Health Strand 4.
STRAND 5 (N): Nutrition
CLASS GOAL: Students will develop lifelong strategies for healthy eating, body image, and understanding the food environment around them.
DAY 1: Six Basic Nutrients (Botvin, Page 88)
DAY 2: Nutrition and Long-Term Mental, Physical, and Social Health (Botvin, Page 88)
DAY 3: Advertising, Fad Diets, and Weight-Loss Products (Botvin, Back Cover)
DAY 4: Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating (Botvin, Back Cover)
DAY 5: Review and Test:
Evidence of Learning Assignment: Tracking Diet (Assignment on Schoology)
EXTRA (to receive a 4 grade): Creating a Meal Plan (Assignment on Schoology). This is due the day the class takes the test on Health Strand 5.