Health, Strand 4, Day 2
To help students understand the negative long term and short term effects of smoking and vaping.
To help students to understand how smoking and vaping are especially bad for the growing teen age brain.
Quietly Read page 29. Highlight the answers to these questions:
What are the immediate effects of cigarette smoking?
How does smoking affect your heart rate?
Read pages 30-31. Highlight the answers to the follow
What are some interesting facts about how smoking affects your body?
Why is heart rate an important consideration when it comes to your health?
Show the DVD on Smoking and Biofeedback. As students watch, have them write their observations on page 33
Videos from the CDC on personal stories from smokers:
Read Page 43. Highlight the answers to the following questions:
What is Marijuana?
What does Marijuana do?
Can Marijuana do any permanent damage to the body?
With any extra time, have the students work on the puzzle on pages 34-35